Jivatma Healing

Chakra Healing

‘Chakra’ is a Sanskrit word that means ‘wheel’ and refers to the many energy centres we have throughout our body. Seven of these are major chakras, aligning along the spine from the base to the crown – muladhara or root chakra, svadhishthana or sacral chakra, manipura or solar plexus chakra, anahata or heart chakra, Vishuddhi or throat chakra, Ajna or third eye chakra and Sahasrara or crown chakra.

Each chakra is linked to organs, nerves and a powerful connection to the less tangible psychological, emotional and spiritual states of being. For example, Muladhara is linked with the adrenal glands, and represents survival, vitality, and grounding. Emotionally it relates to stillness and stability.

Chakra Healing helps to restore the flow of life energy (prana) throughout the body, enhancing the feeling of overall wellbeing in sometimes more subtle, sometimes more powerful ways. Like a spring cleaning for your energy system, this modality unblocks, re-activates and rebalances the chakras, paving the way for increased levels of health and consciousness.

Keeping our chakras open and our energy flowing is fundamental to our wellbeing, physical as well as psychological, emotional and spiritual. When we fall ill, it is likely that one or more of our chakras is, or becomes, blocked, whether directly through physical trauma, or through more esoteric problems that then manifest physically.

The Chakras

The first Chakra (Muladhara) is our base chakra, and represents stability and security. Muladhara is linked with the adrenal glands. When it is balanced, it energizes, controls fears, increases health, and helps in grounding.  Visualizing the color red balances the root chakra.

The second (Svadhisthana) is our sexual chakra, located above the pubic bone, and in charge of our creativity and sexual energy. The organs associated with it are the ovaries and testes. The second chakra represents sexuality, creativity, desire, pleasure, and procreation. Emotionally, it relates to joy, and when out of balance brings sadness and crying. When it is balanced we feel sexual vitality, fertility, and strength. Visualizing the color orange balances the sacral chakra.

The third (Manipura) is in our core and holds the source of our personal power. This Chakra is linked to the pancreas, and represents emotions, power, relating to others, and will power. Emotionally it relates to laughter, joy, and anger. Balancing this chakra calms emotions and frustrations, and eases tension. Visualizing the color yellow balances the solar plexus chakra.

The fourth and middle chakra (Anahata), is the heart chakra, the source of love and connection, in particular between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It is associated with the thymus gland, and feelings of love and compassion. When balanced, the fourth chakra is important in ensuring proper functioning of the circulatory system, heart, and thymus. It also affects our sense of connection with the universe. Visualizing the color green balances the heart chakra.

The fifth (Vishuddhi) is the throat chakra and represents our verbal communication and truth. It is connected with the thyroid and parathyroid organs. It represents communication, self-expression, and creativity, and affects how we interpret symbols. When balanced, it is important for speech and communication areas of the brain. Visualizing the color blue balances the throat chakra.

The sixth (Ajna) is at the third eye and holds our intuition. It is associated with the pituitary gland. It is connected with logic, intuitive thought, seeing, and knowing. When balanced it helps psychic perception, and aids in meditation, intuition, and promoting thought. Visualizing the color indigo balances the third eye chakra.

The seventh (Sahasrara ) is the thousand petal lotus at the crown of the head and leads to enlightenment and spiritual connection to ourselves and others. It is linked with the hypothalamus and the pineal gland. It relates to spirituality, unity, and understanding, while on an emotional level relates to feeling bliss. Balancing the seventh chakra gives vitality to the cerebrum and the development of spirituality. Visualizing the color violet balances the crown chakra.

Each Chakra also has a specific sound or mantra associated with it.

To book an appointment for a session, please email with name, age, geographical location and specific issues you want healing on. Payment can be made by Paypal (smyyta@gmail.com).